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Improving Your Students Flexibility

Improving your students flexibility will not only enhance their lines and fluidity but will also help protect them from injury. Students that do not have good flexibility will almost always stretch the wrong way. They will strain, be out of …

Teacher article



How to focus on correct alignment and relaxation for turns

For many teachers, just getting a student to stand up straight, is a major accomplishment. Often, a student will have enormous trouble with their pirouettes and will be unhappy that they never seem to improve. The problem for most is …

Teacher article



Resistance, Placement and Control

Resistance, placement and control are vital elements that must be addressed in all jazz and contemporary classes. These elements will help them not only to progress, but to reduce the chance of injury.

Teacher article



You've Got To Have Faith

Believe in your corrections, believe in your teacher, now repeat it again and again! It should be a chant that all students over the age of 8 say as they go into class.

Teacher article



What are the benefits of studying multiple forms of dance?

There are many benefits of studying different dance styles. Obviously the most important one on the training list is Classical dance and whether your students want to be classical dancers or not we know that the training is invaluable for …

Teacher article



Teaching Summer Programs

Every dance teacher that I know likes to have some time off in the summer just to relax, recharge the batteries and perhaps to receive some additional training at one of the teacher training programs run by different organizations. On …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

What Makes A Dance Studio's Goals Different to Other Busine…

Some people set goals on a daily basis-some, on a weekly basis. Your weekly team meetings should stay true to the goals you set both strategically and tactically A lot of companies have weekly meetings, and often those meetings are …

Teacher article



Teaching Basic Tap Sounds to Beginners

Teaching basic tap sounds to your students will make tap dance easier to learn and your students will understand the names for each step and how to apply them. I like to get my beginners to understand that the ball …

Teacher article



Why Is Dance History So Important

Periodically while I am teaching a class I will refer to a famous dancer as an example of what I am trying to get across to my dancers and will be met by blank stares from them as if I …

Teacher article



The Under It All-What To Wear Under Costumes!

They say all good things start with a strong foundation, well that is especially true with Dance Costumes. The correct foundation is essential for each and every dancer. One of my pet peeves at Dance competition or performance is dancers …

Teacher article



Ideas on Teaching Pre-School Students

Teaching dance classes to pre-school children can sometimes be more demanding than any of your other classes. I am often asked by teachers who offer pre-school classes to give advice on the structure of the class and also on how …

Teacher article



Ballet Choreography For Young Dancers

Over the years I have judged many competitions where young dancers have been entered in the Ballet category and many times I have felt bad that because of the content of the choreography the dancers were basically set up to …

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