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Connecting With Your Students

As we prepare for the end of the season it is important, as teachers, to connect with each and every one of our students before the year is over. It is easy to have a connection with the eager, talented …

Teacher article



The Importance Of Jumping In Dance Training

In a recent study, dancers in a number of Ballet Companies around the world were surveyed to find out the reasons for the significant increase in injuries. It was discovered that one of the primary causes was simply that the …

Teacher article



Getting Stuck

It happens to us all, we teach so many classes and set so much choreography, that our material starts to become stale. As a master class teacher traveling around the country, this is the number one complaint I hear from …

Teacher article



Tendinopathy: Tendonitis Or Tendinosis, Implications For Th…

We are very pleased to present a series of articles written by Dr. Steinman. He has worked closely with not only our dancers but also professionals in the world of Dance and Sports. All of the articles will be technical …

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A Positive Mental Attitude Is Determined By You

"The way you dedicate yourself to the way you think is the definition of attitude, either positive or negative. The Only difference is the choice you make about the way you think." Jeffrey Gitomer "Until you think with a positive …

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The Feel Good Factor

I have recently read articles written by teachers who talk about teaching by using only positive reinforcement. Teachers who feel that a student should never be told that they are doing something incorrectly and that somehow it is wrong to …

Teacher article



When Is The Right Time To Put A Student On Pointe?

There are many pressures to put a student on Pointe. First of all, of course, the students themselves are always very eager, especially if one of their friends is doing it or if they have the perception that they are …

Teacher article



Ways to Promote Yourself and Increase Your Value to Your Em…

Follow the "Three B's" rule to improve your position and increase your value at any studio where you teach. Be on time, Be professional and Be reliable! Sound's easy enough! Yet there are teachers who, for whatever reason, do not …

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