Studio Owner Article
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Whether a recital or competition number, as always, its the little details that make the difference on stage. At this time of year everyone is busy preparing for their recitals or end of year shows. Competitions are in full swing …
You might still be shivering, but its time to turn up the heat on your marketing plans. Before you know it summer will be here. That means now is the right time to start promoting your summer programs. We have …
Many studios use their older senior teens to assist in classes or sometimes as a substitute. Very often these older teen dancers do a good job for you because you have trained them and they know exactly how you like …
Excerpted from the book HIGH PERFORMANCE BEAUTY
Ideas for motivating and teaching life skills to your dance students. Did you know that dance teachers are also psychologists?! Some have had formal training and others have simply devised systems over the years that give support to their students …
Your class plan is one the most important ingredients to a successful class. Below is a chart that you can use to fill in important information for each class you teach. Make two copies and leave one prominently displayed for …
I remember when Angela and I first decided to buy my former teacher, Mikki Williams dance school back in 1987. A Dance Class was a thriving studio with about 250 students. We were professional dancers, and we had taught master …
With the inauguration of our new President, the whole country is looking to see how his historical leadership is going to help the current economical situation and the problems that exist abroad. As with any great leader, the most important …
When trying to attract new customers, the key is to find a way to make your studio stand out from the rest. The best way to do this is to create an introductory offer that no one else is making. …
Backward Roll: A rotating action on the floor not a Somersault which is a rotation in the air. A movement used to teach the basic actions of rotation in preparation for Back Somersaults.
Everyone talks about networking to make the right business connections, but most people say either dont have the time or cant be bothered. If you want to grow your business, this may be one of the most important things you …
As the New Year begins and students return from the Holiday break there is a chance that as you get into the months of February and March you may experience a lull in both attendance and enthusiasm. Chances are it …
The summer is a great time to work on something different with your students. Very often during the regular season, it is difficult to fit something like improvisation into your classes. There is always technique that needs working on, choreography …
The New Years celebrations are over and, hard as it may be for you to believe, now is the time to start marketing on your summer programs. Parents like to get their children signed up as early as possible so …
If the body is the instrument, the music is the voice Who would have thought that something as basic as your everyday speaking voice could be a powerful force to be reckoned with? Why is this so? Your speaking voice …