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Pre-School Class Preparation

I find that the summer is a great time to sit down and really take some time to plan classes for the fall. For our pre-school age children we offer two fifteen week sessions and so I like to make …

Teacher article



Its All about the Teacher!

As teachers, it really all begins and end with us! If a student, or even worse an entire class is not listening, not learning, not growing or not getting better, then the cold hard truth is that we may be …

Teacher article



Appropriate Routines for Competition

Over the last few years as a judge and a choreographer on the competition circuit, I have noticed a dramatic increase in performances using inappropriate content. Fellow judges, teachers and audience members have recently expressed discomfort during performances that contain …

Teacher article



Helping Your Students Find The Best Summer Programs

Sending your students off to summer dance programs is certainly a good way to broaden their outlook and keep them dancing throughout the summer break, so that when they return to you in the fall both you and they are …

Teacher article



Ways to Keep Your Students Motivated

Students who are pre-teens or younger find it much easier to get excited about a lot of things and especially in dance it seems they think almost everything is cool! It is when they cross over into the teen world …

Studio Owner Article


Success with Marketing a…

Competition Will Keep You At Your Best!

All businesses are subject to competition. How you feel and react to your competition is really the key. Competitors want to get business just as much as you do. They will fight, tell stories about you, they will undercut you, …

Teacher article



Out of Your Comfort Zone

I try to constantly encourage my students to get out of their comfort zone. As a matter of fact I try to get them to feel uncomfortable at times. I want them to be in an area of movement and …

Teacher article



A Time to Reflect

It really is amazing how time passes by and how easy it is to lose touch with people who were important to us and have been instrumental in our successes as a teacher/choreographer/person. Summer happens to be a great time …

Studio Owner Article


Improve Staff and Custom…

Customer Service from the Inside Out

Many big businesses have been trying for decades to import good service practices and graft them into their own work settings. They use training programs or other means to try an outside-in approach that seldom makes things any better and …

Teacher article



Helping Students To Be More Aware Of Details

Having been a competition judge for the past sixteen years my eye is trained to look for details. It is no secret that attention to detail always pays off. It does, in fact, make the difference between something being mediocre, …

Teacher article



Getting Stuck

It happens to us all, we teach so many classes and set so much choreography, that our material starts to become stale. As a master class teacher traveling around the country, this is the number one complaint I hear from …

Teacher article



Connecting With Your Students

As we prepare for the end of the season it is important, as teachers, to connect with each and every one of our students before the year is over. It is easy to have a connection with the eager, talented …

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