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Master Class Video Series



Rhythm in Dance with Ricky Hinds

In this class we will work on several center combinations that will challenge your dancers musicality and rhythm. Different levels of technique will be used so you can use these dances with your beginners, or your most advance dancers. Such an integral part of dance is having musicality and this class will focus on just that. The combinations will vary from classic jazz to traditional musical theatre.

Business Building Seminars



Super Charge Your Google Pay Per Click with Steve Sirico

Learn how to get to the top of the search spot in your area for dance classes with both pay per click and organic ads. Join Steve Sirico as he walks you through how to set up and build a winning Google ads campaign. Bring your computer and your ads will be up and running by the end of the session

Business Building Seminars



3 Easy Steps for Enrollment with Angela D'Valda Sirico

Every month DTW founders and Veteran Studio Owners Steve Sirico and Angela D'Valda Sirico will tackle a new hot topic with unique tips and powerful suggestions on solutions that you can use right away... Here's to your success!

Business Building Seminars



The Studio Owner Challenge with Steve Sirico

In this session Steve Sirico will present 3 challenging situations that you and your business may face in the future. This class is all about problem solving and how to become the “Fixer” at your studio. Let’s face it, challenges will happen so this class will show you how to be prepared for anything you may be facing.

Master Class Video Series



Dancer Wellness with Dr Jerry Edwards

This seminar will focus on dancer wellness, a topic that is near and dear to his heart. As a chiropractor and wellness expert, Dr. Edwards has extensive experience working with dancers and helping them overcome the unique challenges they face, such as repetitive stress injuries and overuse injuries.

Master Class Video Series



Tap Progression with Aaron Turner

This class will show combinations and exercises from the novice/beginner stages, increasing in difficulty, through the intermediate level, to the most advanced or challenging level of tap. I also would like to open the floor to all my fellow educators- to answer specific questions, or show combinations regarding specific moves.

Business Building Seminars



Maximise Your Recital Profits by Optimizing Your Marketing, Sales and Pricing Strategy with Jonathan Barton-Harvey

Learn valuable insights on how to boost the profits you make on your studio’s recital by applying a more strategic approach to marketing, sales and pricing. Build excitement and reach with your marketing of the event using an effective combination of online and offline media. Increase revenue through selling additional products and ad space.

Business Building Seminars



The Magic to the 5 Star Experience with Jennifer Chin-Gorner

All studios offer dance classes and performances. What can be the ultimate differentiator? Learn the one thing that matters more than anything else to stand out from the rest.

Master Class Video Series


Strengthening Exercises

Partner Stretching with Dolly Kelepecz

A quick lecture on Cold vs. Warm stretching, learning the differences. Discussing the challenges of overstretching as well as teaching partner stretching for hamstrings/ Adductors/Abductors/ Lower Back//Upperback/Feet/Ankles/Calves.

Business Building Seminars



Why can’t ANYONE follow through anymore with Tracey Wozny

Taking it to the finish line! Giving tasks is easy, following up that they get complete, not so easy! Join this session to get 3 easy accountability steps to gain consistency in follow through with your team and yourself.

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