Repurposing Magic - Multi Uses for Content with Erin Burd

Experience Level:


Business Building Seminars



We all are pressed for time, and figuring out when to create content for social media, newsletters, and blogs can leave our heads spinning. In this session, Erin will show you how you can take 1 piece of content and use it in 5 different ways so you can stop trying to recreate the wheel and leave you with more free time to do the things you love



Erin Burd

Erin Burd

Erin Burd, is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach, Author and Speaker. She started Birdy’s Kids In Motion and Dance Biz in a Bag on a budget of only $300.00 and built a six-figure business in just two years. Erin is passionate about paying it forward and created the $100K Studio Dance Blueprint and the Mobile Studio Mastermind and has coached multiple women entrepreneurs to launch their business on a small budget and how to take their business to six-figures. Erin has recently expanded her company brand and now offers the Passion and Profitability Membership Academy. She works directly with service-based women entrepreneurs who are ready to empower themselves and take action. Being a mother herself, she also helps her Academy Members find work/life balance. Erin Burd is the author of Passion and Profit Project: You Can Have It All! She wrote this book to double as a guide and shares her signature inner game tools, strategies, and tips on how you can find your why and your passion and profit mindset. Erin is also a well-known speaker who shares with audiences across the nation how they Can Have It All!

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